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You fought for it. Some of you bled for it. Some died for it. Freedom came at a cost that you paid in full--unlike your V6 Mustang at 26% APR. So pull your battle buddies off the couch, build a hooptie, strap Aunt Edna (or a turret, or a vert stab, or a PVT) to the roof, and join us in the best idea since fighting a land war in Asia. We'll provide the RIP ITs.


Welcome to the Chaos Cup--life outside the wire.






Car Value

Teams of Vets

Days of Racing

Minimum Miles


Thunder Run meets National Lampoons Vacation meets Cannonball Run, brought to you by Rip It, the official drink of the Chaos Cup and American wars everywhere.


The fight is outside the wire. Adventure, risk, camaraderie, competition, failure, flat tires, Cousin Eddie, and the World's Second Largest Ball of Twine--all of it--lies outside the wire, where life is lived. Yet, veterans defined by their courage to fight outside them have come home to remain imprisoned inside invisible wires. Until now. We give our lovable savages a tree to chew on. We bounce patriotism off the rev-limiter until the wheels fall off... which is a distinct possibility. 


Out of disorder, Chaos.


Your mission:

$1,000 entry fee per team (100% benefit to Heroes and Horses)

1 $500 car, replete with irreverent flair

3-4 veterans per car

Start: Arlington National Cemetery, 0600, 26 June 2020

Finish: Ruby's Diner, Redondo Beach, CA, 1600 3 July 2020


Time penalties per the ROE

Time bonuses for team photos at National Monuments, historical markers, iconic American sites, National Park stamps, acts of charity/service, and others


Go. This is the America-the-Beautiful you fought for. From sea to shining sea, it's yours. Merica, she's a beaut. 


If you represent a company or are an individual or group interested in joining our list of sponsors, please click on the sponsor tab on the menu bar and we'd be happy to work with you. 

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